June's Journey - Island world:

In addition to Orchid Island, other islands are now available.
However, these can not be visited by others.

The fog fields can be unlocked bit by bit.
after a "click" on the corresponding fog field is displayed,
how many stars must be played for it:

Via the right field ( green, with compass ) more detailed information can be obtained:

the required stars ( here 6135 ) have already been reached.
but there are still some compasses missing to unlock the nebula field...
( 28 of required 75 compasses reached ) 

These “stars” can be found when playing the normal scenes.
Each scene has 5 stars
these should ALWAYS ALL be played!

If the required stars have already been reached for the next nebula field,
but a few compasses are still missing, this will be displayed:

are also reached the required compasses, the picture changes:

If something is currently being built by us on one of the islands, this is indicated to us:
  this "construction site" is ready in 2 days and 6 hours

At some point, the space on our orchid island is exhausted.
The last patches of fog are waiting to be lifted.
Now a new symbol appears on the screen:

This symbol can be used to visit other islands as soon as all the fog has been cleared,
more islands can be visited!

What islands are there:

1) the Orchideen - Island:

Fog fields:

2) the Sunflower - Island:

Fog fields:

3) the laurel island:

Fog fields:

4) the willow island:

5) the snowflake island:

6) the marigold island:

7) the magnolia island ...

8) the Sycamore island ...

Since June 2024 there is now an 8th island

the Sycamore Island ( mulberry fig )

not much is yet known about the stars or compasses required.
According to initial indications, between 55 and 85 compasses will be needed per nebula field