June's Journey - the Books
Thanks again to VanTasia    for creating the graphics

June Journey was published in October 2019
there are now 8 books. The ninth book will be released in February 2025

All books and scenes 

100 Chapter

Scene 1 - 500

50 Chapter

Scene 501 - 750

25 Chapter

Scene 751 - 875

35 Chapter

Scene 876 - 1050

35 Chapter

Scene 1051 - 1225

50 Chapter

Scene 1226 - 1475

50 Chapter

Scene 1476 - 1725

50 Chapter

Scene 1726 - 1975

50 Chapter

Scene 1976 - 2225

Pictures of the individual scenes with all objects
Scene 1 - 100 Scene 101 - 200 Scene 201 - 300
Scene 301 - 400 Scene 401 - 500 Scene 501 - 600
Scene 601 - 700 Scene 701 - 800 Scene 801 - 900
Scene 901 - 1000 Scene 1001 - 1100 Scene 1101 - 1200
Scene 1201 - 1300 Scene 1301 -1400 Scene 1401 - 1500
Scene 1501 - 1600  Scene 1601 - 1700  Scene 1701 - 1800
Scene 1801 - 1900 Scene 1901 - 

Special scenes for the Secrets
E-1 to E-39
Event scenes are either slightly modified regular scenes from the game
( E03 ) or completely redrawn images ( E02 ).
They are used in the event: “Secrets”.

In order to unlock the next scene, a certain number of flowers must be reached.
Sometimes you have enough objects stored in the ship to unlock the next scene.
If this is not the case, objects must first be purchased and completed.
Of course, it is ideal to have unlocked some chapters/scenes in advance.

How many flowers do I need for the next scene?
Disclaimer: The flower values given are the basic flower requirements for the respective scene!
There are algorithms in the game that can increase the required flowers temporarily and at random intervals!

Scene 1 - 50

Scene 51 - 100

Scene 101 - 150

Scene 151 - 200

Scene 201 - 250

Scene 251 - 300

Scene 301 - 350

Scene 351 - 400

Scene 401 - 450

Scene 451 - 500

Scene 501 - 550

Scene 551 - 600

Scene 601 - 650

Scene 651 - 700

Scene 701 - 750

Scene 751 - 800

Scene 801 - 850

Scene 851 - 875

Scene 876 - 925

Scene 926 - 975

Scene 976 - 1025

Scene 1026 - 1050

Scene 1051 - 1100

Scene 1101 - 1150

Scene 1151 - 1200

Scene 1201 - 1225

Scene 1226 - 1275

Scene 1276 - 1325

Scene 1326 - 1375

Scene 1376- 1425

Scene 1426 - 1475

Scene 1476 - 1525

Scene 1526 - 1575

Scene 1576 - 1625

Scene 1626 - 1675

Scene 1676 - 1725

Scene 1726 - 1725

Scene 1776 - 1825

Scene 1826 - 1875

Scene 1876 - 1925

Scene 1926 - 1975

Scene 1976 - 2025

Scene 2026 - 2075

Scene 2076 - 2125

Scene 2126 - 2125

Scene 2176 - 2225