June's Journey - Sweep the Board:

The object of this game is to create a small preview image of the object

To recognize the right scene from the different books.
Then to practice them accordingly...
Either you are already so far in the game yourself, and can practice these scenes
or you use one of the different possibilities on the internet
Then you have to find the different objects under time pressure.

Depending on the competition, between four and seven scenes must be played.
This competition is demanding!
The time available is sometimes extremely short.
This can be extended by the use of diamonds.
The question arises whether starting over again is not more sensible than "sacrificing" diamonds ...

The challenge is to recognize the right scene from the preview image
There are various aids for this

- the latest info on this:
or this also no Facebook Accout is necessary!
go to the following page:
enter your game ID there ( and completely, incl. the hyphens ):

then you will get displayed which scene you will get next!

- Here on this webpage in the various books

at this link:
under this link you will find a list of all books and scenes

- under this link:
but here it is necessary to know two or three of the searched objects!
and then specify these as search criterion
each separated by #
e.g.:    Camera#Wastebasket#Bird

- under this link:
for this search a screenshot of the searched preview image must be created.

This print may ONLY contain the area marked in red !!!
Important: the white border, or the scene description must NOT be included !

The site is unfortunately only available in English or Polish, but is easy to use

- under this link:
This page is optimized for tablet and smartphone, use via PC not recommended

here you have the possibility to specify what you are looking for
striking objects, certain rooms ( living room, office ... )
by certain places ( Africa, Asia, Park, ... )
by themes( night, rain, winter ... )
  and then get all images displayed that match your search criterion

What to do if you are not ready yourself and cannot practice the scene you are looking for ??

There are several ways to do this...

A) regis.barbanchon:
first find the scene you are looking for
when the scene you are looking for is found, you will find below the image  
a listing of the objects of this scene: 

then search for these objects in the scene.
go through all objects three, four or more times
and then start the passage at the "clear off"...

B) crazyjune:

Or :
search for the image on this page
There is then usually a day before the competition a picture with all the searched objects displayed:

Examples of prizes that have existed in this competition ...
Of course, these change from competition to competition

4 Szenen 5 Szenen 6 Szenen
Szene 1:
Szene 2:

Szene 3:

Szene 4:
Szene 5:
Szene 6: